Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Church of Faust at Documenta Off in Kassel

Piertopolis Church of Faust Installation
19hrs | 18th – 26th August 2012
Documenta Satellite Event
Marburger Str. Kassel, Germany

Neige, neige
Du Ohnegleiche,
Du Strahlenreiche,
Dein Antlitz gnädig meinem Glück!
Der früh Geliebte,
Nicht mehr Getrübte,
Er kommt zurück.
Unequaled one,
Radiant one,
Turn, turn
Your face favorably upon my happiness!
The man I loved in my youth,
The man no longer tarnished,
Is coming back.


Kassel, Germany | August 2012

For Church of Faust we distribute flyers all over the city of Kassel an spread them in the reading points of Documenta 13. The flyers were printed with photos of Saint Joseph Church in Amsterdam, the Church of the Holy Saint Joseph in Amsterdam West it’s been closed for almost 20 years. The flyers also had a passage from Goethe’s Faust and a map describing a journey to Saint Joseph Church in Kassel.
Der früh Geliebte, Nicht mehr Getrübte, Er kommt zurück.

The man I loved in my youth, The man no longer tarnished, Is coming back.
People were invited to come to Saint Joseph Church on 19.00 Hrs. In the month of August a magnificent light strikes in one point of the church from 19.00 to 20 Hrs. The light and scenario resemblance the Etching from Rembrandt. In the early eighteenth century, the print earned the title ‘Dr Faustus’ and in 1791 Goethe used it on the title page for his publication of Faust. However, it is just as possible that this has nothing at all to do with Faust, but is a portrait of a scholar.

It may be the ‘practicing alchemist’ to which references were made in the seventeenth century. Saint Joseph church stands as a symbol of congregation, is not about the religion aspect, but about coming together to one place to meditate on symbols, space and light. Symbols has been used in the art world for centuries in the same way as in religions. Theologists today recognizes that even the materialist lives not by creature comforts, prosperity and success, but by his own symbols and images, his own myths and rituals.

The conflict today is not between matter and spirit, but between two kinds of spirit; not between prose and imagination, but between a true and false imagination; not even, finally, between ugliness and beauty.
The DOCUMENTA (13) is the thirteenth edition of Documenta, one of the world’s most important exhibitions for contemporary art.

Saint Joseph Church – Panoramic Tour