June 20th – August 31st – Visual Arts Center Amsterdam South East.
Some of the participating artists are Iris Kensmil, Sara Blokland, Brian Coutinho, Ken Doorson, Jeannette Ehlers, Antonio Jose Guzman, Remy Jungerman, Patricia Kaersenhout, Charl Landvreugd, Tirzo Martha, Helen Martina, Henny Overbeek, Hector Raphaela and Brett Russell.
The exhibition Shared Heritage move from September 12th t / m October 20 to Kunstenlab Deventer.
The opening of this exhibition is a part of the program Cultuurlijn 110.

Some of the participating artists are Iris Kensmil, Sara Blokland, Brian Coutinho, Ken Doorson, Jeannette Ehlers, Antonio Jose Guzman, Remy Jungerman, Patricia Kaersenhout, Charl Landvreugd, Tirzo Martha, Helen Martina, Henny Overbeek, Hector Raphaela and Brett Russell.
The exhibition Shared Heritage move from September 12th t / m October 20 to Kunstenlab Deventer.
The opening of this exhibition is a part of the program Cultuurlijn 110.