Right now preparing for another exhibit in the Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam
OPENING: Friday 19 September, 18.00 hrs
19 September – 5 October 2014
With works from Iain McKell – Yvonne Brandwijk – Isolde Woudstra – Sharieta Berghuis – Antonio José Guzman – Jochem Sanders – Tim Georgeson e.a.
“Ritualism” can be seen as documenting the latest religion of city dwellers. It explores the ways in which modern people, whether we are aware of it or not, create rituals in our daily lives. Sometimes these rituals are designed to help us find deeper meaning in our lives. Other times we use rituals to lose ourselves in the seemingly endless stream of sensations that bombard us in modern life. Stripped of all dogmas, we as individuals can develop our own rituals that define our place in the current of urban life.
For more information see http://www.unseenamsterdam.com/melkweg-galerie
19 September – 5 October 2014
With works from Iain McKell – Yvonne Brandwijk – Isolde Woudstra – Sharieta Berghuis – Antonio José Guzman – Jochem Sanders – Tim Georgeson e.a.
Tracking Debugger Device | Hogon Series | Lightjet print in metallic paper | Surin Islands, Thailand
© A.J. Guzman 2014
The Hogon series are an exploration to the manner in which contemporary photography, fashion and visual history use cultural appropriation as a style; Taking without permission, the cultural artifacts, intellectual property, or cultural expressions, of another cultures.
The Hogon series are an exploration to the manner in which contemporary photography, fashion and visual history use cultural appropriation as a style; Taking without permission, the cultural artifacts, intellectual property, or cultural expressions, of another cultures.
“Ritualism” can be seen as documenting the latest religion of city dwellers. It explores the ways in which modern people, whether we are aware of it or not, create rituals in our daily lives. Sometimes these rituals are designed to help us find deeper meaning in our lives. Other times we use rituals to lose ourselves in the seemingly endless stream of sensations that bombard us in modern life. Stripped of all dogmas, we as individuals can develop our own rituals that define our place in the current of urban life.
For more information see http://www.unseenamsterdam.com/melkweg-galerie
Hel Ved is a photography agency that aims to promote
the careers of its international group of fine art and commercial
photographers. They specialize in documentation-oriented photography
that allows the unique style of the photographer to shine through. Hel
Ved has an online art gallery and also participates in offline events in
which they showcase contemporary photography.
For more information visit http://helved.nl/art-gallery/
For more information visit http://helved.nl/art-gallery/